Defending drills soccer

Mastering Defending Drills in Soccer 2023

Soccer is a sport that requires players to work together as a team to defend against the opposition’s attacks. As such, defending drills and soccer are an essential part of soccer training, helping players develop the skills and techniques necessary to stop the other team from scoring goals. Every club that wins the bulk of its games has a strong defence as a pillar. If a side is not necessarily scoring goals to catch up with the opposition, it will relieve pressure off the attack to score and tends to make it easier to win.

There are various defending drills in soccer that coaches can incorporate into their training sessions; each is designed to improve different aspects of a player’s defensive abilities. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective defending drills in soccer.

Individual Team Defending Drills Soccer

Individual Team Defending Drills Soccer

1v1 defending soccer drills

One-on-one defending is a critical skill for any soccer player as it allows them to prevent their opponent from dribbling past them and creating a scoring opportunity. In this drill, one player attacks the other, trying to get past them and score a goal. The defender’s job is to stay close to their opponent and prevent them from getting past them. Coaches can also add additional rules, such as requiring the defender to force their opponent to one side or limit the number of touches the attacker can take.

This drill helps players develop their tackling, positioning, and anticipation skills. It also helps players learn to read the body language of their opponent, allowing them to react more quickly to their movements.

2v2 defending drills SOCCER

Two-on-two defending is another essential skill for soccer players, as it teaches them how to defend effectively as a pair. In this drill, two defenders work together to stop two attackers from scoring a goal. The defenders must communicate with each other, switch positions if necessary, and work together to close down space and prevent the attackers from getting a shot off.

This drill helps players develop their teamwork, communication, and coordination skills. It also helps players learn how to defend against two attackers simultaneously, which can be challenging for a single defender.

Defending soccer drills pressure cover

Pressing is a high-intensity defending strategy that involves putting pressure on the opposition to force them into making mistakes. In this drill, the defending team presses the attacking team, trying to win the ball back as quickly as possible. This drill requires players to be quick, aggressive, and coordinated, as they must work together to prevent the opposition from passing the ball and finding a way through the defense.

This drill helps players develop their fitness, aggression, and coordination skills. It also helps players learn how to work together to press the opposition and win the ball back.

Defending soccer drills pressure cover

Defending Set-Pieces

Set pieces are a critical part of soccer, as they can often decide the outcome of a game. Defending set pieces is an essential skill for soccer players, as it requires them to be alert and coordinated to prevent the opposition from scoring. In this drill, the defending team practices defending against free kicks, corners, and throw-ins. Players must be organized, mark their opponents effectively, and be prepared to clear the ball at a moment’s notice.

This drill helps players develop their positioning, marking, and clearance skills. It also helps players learn how to work together to defend against different types of set pieces.


Counter-attacking is a defensive strategy that involves quickly transitioning from defense to attack after winning the ball back. In this drill, the defending team wins the ball back and quickly looks to attack the opposition. Players must be quick, decisive, and coordinated, as they must work together to move the ball forward and create scoring opportunities.

This drill helps players develop their quick thinking, decision-making, and passing skills. It also helps players learn how to work together to quickly transition from defense to attack.

Recovery defending

Recovery defending is an essential skill for soccer players, as it involves getting back into position quickly after a turnover or a failed attack. In this drill, the attacking team tries to score a goal, but the defending team quickly wins the ball back and tries to counter-attack. Players must be alert and quick to get back into position, as they must prevent the opposition from creating a scoring opportunity.

Recovery defending

Defending with an offside trap

The offside trap is a defensive strategy that involves pushing the defensive line up to catch the attacking team offside. In this drill, the defending team practices using the offside trap to prevent the opposition from scoring. Players must communicate effectively, be coordinated, as they must move up the field together, and time their movements

Top 5 ways defending drills soccer for Beginners

  1. Shadow Defending: In this drill, a defender shadows an attacker, trying to stay in front of them and prevent them from advancing the ball.
  2. Tackling Practice: In this drill, players practice tackling by attempting to take the ball away from each other.
  3. 1v1 Defending: In this drill, a defender faces an attacker and tries to prevent them from scoring a goal.
  4. Cutout Passes: In this drill, players work in pairs to practice intercepting passes and clearing the ball.
  5. Clearing the Ball: In this drill, players practice clearing the ball out of the defensive zone, preventing the opposition from scoring.

The Five Principles of Defending in Soccer

  1. Delay – Defenders should delay the attacker’s progress, giving teammates time to get back and organize themselves defensively.
  2. Pressure – Defenders should apply pressure to the attacker to force them into making mistakes or giving up possession.
  3. Cover – Defenders should provide cover for each other, preventing the opposition from getting behind the defensive line.
  4. Balance – Defenders should maintain a good balance between attacking and defending, preventing the opposition from exploiting any gaps in the defense.
  5. Compactness – Defenders should remain compact, with no large spaces between players, making it difficult for the opposition to find a way through the defense.


Your team may take a significant step towards preventing stupid goals by utilizing these soccer defence workouts. Your squad should learn all the essential components of the defending concepts in the soccer defending drills and be able to apply them in a range of situations. Whether they are a team, a couple, or lone defenders! They will be prepared thanks to these soccer defence drills.

Frequently asked questions

Q1) What does the soccer split-the-defender passing drill entail?

Ans. The shooting and defending drill that pits attack against defense improves both attacking and defending abilities.

Q2) Which kids’ soccer drills work the best?

Ans. The kids adore it when you add a cute little twist. This exercise is great for athletes 8 to 11 years old.

Q3) How can I assist my U12 soccer players in developing teamwork?

Ans. They can begin to develop their teamwork skills by participating in station drills and small-sided games that put them in 2 versus. 1, 2 vs. 2, and 3 vs. 3 situations.

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