How to pass a ball in soccer

How to pass a ball in soccer 2023 | Expert Tips and Techniques

One of each player’s most fundamental skills in soccer is passing. You and your team can achieve success if you and your teammates know how to pass a ball in soccer successfully. I have used this strategy for many hours over the years, and I want to share what I have learned with you.

Passing a ball in soccer is a crucial skill for players at all levels, from beginner to professional. It is the simplest way of moving the ball from one player to another and can be done in many different ways, depending on the situation on the field and the strengths of the players involved. In this article, we will discuss the different types of passes and how to perform each one effectively.

6 Ways How to pass a ball in soccer

  1. Keep your attention on the ball (avoid looking up before making contact).
  2. Make sure there is a flat area for the ball to land on.
  3. Strongly extend your foot as if you would for a shot.
  4. Move your body in front of the ball.
  5. Push the ball in the direction of the goal.
  6. Once you have made contact with the ball, maintain your technique.

5 types of passes in soccer

There are 5 types of passes in soccer, each with its unique purpose and technique.

Short Passes:

Short passes are typically used to move the ball a short distance to a nearby player. They are usually made with the inside of the foot using a side foot or instep kick. Short passes are quick and precise, making them ideal for maintaining possession of the ball in tight spaces.

5 types of passes in soccer

Medium Passes:

Medium passes are used to cover a slightly longer distance, usually up to 10-15 yards. They can be either made with the inside or outside of the foot and are often used to switch the play from one side of the field to the other. Medium passes require a little more power and accuracy compared to short passes.

Long Passes:

Long passes are used to cover large distances, typically over 30 yards. They are usually made with the laces of the foot and require more power than short or medium passes. Long passes are used to play the ball out of the defensive third, to a player making a run behind the defense, or to clear the ball out of danger.

Ground Passes:

Ground passes are made along the ground, to a player either nearby or as a way of playing the ball out of a tight situation. They are made with the inside of the foot and require accuracy rather than power. Ground passes are quick and low, making them difficult for defenders to intercept.

Lofted Passes:

Lofted passes are made in the air, either over an opponent’s head or as a way of playing the ball into a more advantageous position. Lofted passes require good ball control and accuracy and are usually made with the outside of the foot. Lofted passes are typically used to bypass an opponent’s defense, creating scoring opportunities.

Instructions for Performing a Pass:

Regardless of the type of pass, there are several key steps that players should follow to perform a pass accurately and effectively.

Instructions for Performing a Pass:

Positioning: Start by positioning your non-kicking foot next to the ball, pointing in the direction you want to pass. Keep your eyes on the intended target, and adjust your body positioning as needed.

Timing: Timing is critical when passing the ball. Make sure you make the pass at the right moment, taking into account the speed of the game, the position of your teammates, and any pressure from the opposition.

Contact: Contact with the ball is the most important aspect of passing. To make a pass, kick the ball with the inside or outside of your foot, depending on the type of pass and the situation on the field. Follow through with your foot in the direction of the target.

Aim: Aim for the ground or air, depending on the type of pass. For short and ground passes, aim for the ground, about 1-2 feet in front of the target. For medium, long, and lofted passes, aim for the air, about 2-7 feet in front of the target.

How to receive a pass in soccer       

Anticipation: Anticipate the pass by positioning yourself in a good receiving position and scanning the field for the pass. Watch the ball and the passer’s body language to anticipate the direction and speed of the pass.

Body Positioning: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent and your body weight over your knees. Turn your body and face the direction of the incoming pass.

How to receive a pass in soccer       

First Touch: Your first touch with the ball should control its speed and direction, allowing you to take control of the ball and prepare for your next action. Use the inside or outside your foot, depending on the direction of the pass and the space available.

Controlling the Ball: After your first touch, keep control of the ball by using your body to shield it from defenders and maintain possession. Use your arms and chest to protect the ball and prepare for your next move.

Decisions: After controlling the ball, make a quick decision about your next move. Look up, assess your options, and choose whether to dribble, pass, or shoot. Remember to keep your head up and scan the field for teammates and opponents.


Passing is a critical skill in soccer, and understanding the different types of passes and how to perform them effectively can greatly improve your performance on the field.

Frequently asked questions 

Q1) How do you pass a soccer ball using the inside of your foot?

Ans. Use the inside of your shoe to pass with the inside of your foot. To strike the ball on the inside of your soccer cleat, you will need to slightly sidestep as your foot approaches the ball.

Q2) What soccer passing strategies should be used?

Ans. Use the inside of your foot when passing a push. In soccer, direct passes typically make up the majority of passes. A long pass is executed almost identically to a direct pass, except that the ball is thrown farther and over a wider area.

Q3) How do you catch a football over-the-shoulder pass?

Ans. The ball should be grasped with your fingertips as it is tossed to you. Additionally, catching the ball is made simpler when your elbows are slightly bent.

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